Molly's Word of the Day:
carpaccio • \kar-PAH-chee-oh\ • noun
: thinly sliced raw meat or fish served with a sauce -- often used postpositively

NHL '09 Scoreboard

NHL 09 Scoreboard
Record: 3-9-2

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snowy Corner

The corner of State St. and N. University.

Click on the picture or go HERE for a larger view.

This one is interesting. I was processing some of my shots from the evening when I realized I had these two taken from ALMOST the same place that happened to match up pretty well. I stitched the two pictures together as best I could using Photoshop. You can notice the car in the foreground that this wasn't perfect. It not very distracting though and I very much like the perspective. Also, notice that the cars turning on the right side would technically be running a red light.

Snowy Corner || Nikon D40/Nikkor 18-55 | Composite

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